Why Christotrumpians admire Putin

The people who reduce the Trump-Biden choice to anti-abortion versus pro-abortion are victims and perpetrators of the same malignant fallacy as those who reduce the Russia-Ukraine situation to anti-transgender-rights to pro-transgender-rights.

Illegitimate totality transfer (on praying Psalm 44)

Warnings from biblical lexicography James Barr was for many years, I think, the scholar most feared by other members of the biblical-studies guild. He had a knack for spotting and exposing fallacies that were widely accepted by his peers as standard practice. Probably the best-known example of his work was his book The Semantics ofContinue reading “Illegitimate totality transfer (on praying Psalm 44)”

How to get people to do good things: coerce, persuade—or agree

Better to find allies and change the culture than sell your soul in an effort to control others’ behavior

One Ring to Bind Them All: Conservative Christians and the Theocratic Impulse

For conservative White Christians in the USA, theocracy is the Ring of Power, and abortion is their reason for wanting to use it. But it has its own purposes.

Where we are politically in the USA, and where I am

Trump lost the election, which has bought us some time. But Trump has not stopped claiming that he won, GOP senators and reps and apparatchiks have not repudiated him, and neither have the millions who voted for him. The lower-IQ Trumpists still speak of him as the best thing ever. The higher-IQ Trumpists still pretendContinue reading “Where we are politically in the USA, and where I am”

The self-mutilating apostasy of White American Evangelicalism

The “evangelical leaders” who became the apostles of Christotrumpism were not previously the leading lights of the evangelical movement. They were on its fringes. For the most part they were always its uncouth underbelly, as they still are. Those who have followed them have rejected the real intellectual and spiritual leaders of the evangelical movement.Continue reading “The self-mutilating apostasy of White American Evangelicalism”

Can a Christian be a patriot?

It is possible to be both a patriot and a Christian. It is not possible to confuse patriotism with Christianity and still be truly Christian. It is possible to love both God and country. To become confused about which love is absolute, and which conditioned upon the absolute, is to become an idolater or aContinue reading “Can a Christian be a patriot?”